Sunday, January 2, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!




Merry Christmas!!! We had so much fun!! Ellie woke up at about 4:30 but Karren put a movie on for her and she thankfully let the rest of us sleep. Mia hopped out of bed as soon as Ellie woke her (we made her wait until 7 a.m :) Luckily Santa did stop at our house, despite the lack of chimney (a big concern of Mia's). Ellie got an American Girl doll and was THRILLED. Mia got a big girl doll with long hair. They were well and truly spoiled, as were we all. Rod gave me money for my NOOK. YAY! Karren gave the present that caused the most tears when she gave me Mamgu's engagement ring. A very sweet moment for us all...We ate WAY too much food. Karren brought yummy chocolate and I think I have eaten my body weight in junk in the past week. Bleurgh...Now it's a new year and here are my resolutions which are the same ones I have had for the past 25 years:
1. Quit biting nails
2. Eat better
3. Work out more
I'm thinking there is a problem to having had the same goals for the past quarter decade. Oh well...:)

Thursday and Friday with Karren


We had a great Christmas! We picked Karren up from Las 
Vegas on Thursday which just made the holiday for us :)
On Thursday night we went to see the live Nativity at Tuacahn.  Karren thinks we are trying to convert her but we just thought it would be fun to do :) We especially liked the part where the camel walked backwards and wouldn't cooperate... On Christmas Eve we did some shopping and then ate lasagna and played games. The girls decorated cookies for Santa and set out food for the Reindeer. And they went to bed early. Amazing how much they are motivated by Santa coming :)

Mia's Dance Recital


Mia had so much fun at her Dance Recital. She has been going to Southern Utah Stars for the apst few months and LOVES it. She only goes once a week, and gets mad for the other six days that she doesn't get to go. They performed a recital at Snow Canyon High. Mia went to the hair school to get prettyfied. They got a TEENY bit carried away with the curling iron and poofiness but she thought she was the bee's knees. She also LOVED her outfit. The dance was so fun to watch-if I was high tech enough to put the video on here I would...maybe will figure it out. Janae and the girls and Grandpa Duane and Grandma Sharen came too; it was fun to hang out with everyone :)