Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dance Recital #2

Mia had her second dance recital in May. She got to wear the same costume (amazing it still fit the gigantor child, but it did!) I was just grateful I didn't have to buy another expensive dress! The recital was LONG!!! A starving Troy and Janae and patient, tired kids were there too (thanks, guys) and the show went on and on and on and on and on ... Finally Mia got to dance and was cute as can be :)

Our Garden!!! :)

 Dad wanted to see photos of the finished yard. When he was here, the wall wasn't quite finished and we basically had a whole lot or dirt in the backyard ("go play in the mud, kids!"). But since then we have put in edging and a lawn and more trees, even mulch around all the plants to make it oh fer pretty. We're having fun putting it all together, although since it's hit 100 degrees, we pretty much have to be done by 9 a.m. :)

Ellie is 10!!! Oh, where does the time go?

Jo and Taylee. Jo was AWESOME!! She came over and painted nails. She was definitely the cool Mom at this party :)
Check out the giant choco cake. Like mother like daughter... We munched on this cake for days :)

Ellie opening presents on her actual Birthday. She waited until she got done with school to come home and open presents. Note the Eiffel Tower shirt. Ellie has a tiny obsession with Paris right now. 

We had a great time at Ellie's 10th birthday party. She had friends over and they played "Just Dance" on the Wii, ate chocolate cake and watched a movie that we projected on the side of the house outside. The weather was perfect and to top off a great night, Washington City was having their fireworks for Cotton Days, and we could see them perfectly from the house :)