Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hiking in Bryce Canyon National Park

Rod had the bright idea of going hiking in Bryce (not a bad idea you might think. You are clearly forgetting that this is Utah and it was June and therefore hotter outside than you set your oven to make a pot roast). So he says "let's just walk around the rim". I give in. Then he says "let's just walk down here". ("Hmmm..." says I. "Shall I kill him now or later?") Then 30 minutes later we're in the bottom of the canyon, which we were able to walk down when the blazing sun was behind a cloud, but now have to walk up, and all the clouds are gone. Hot. Hot. Hot. Ellie and I complained half the way up, until we realized that Mia, who had whined until Rod picked her up, had fallen asleep in his arms. Now who's wishing we'd stayed in the dang car ? :)

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